miércoles, 6 de abril de 2011

My only 2 concerts

Really, I don´t like the concerts. Don´t like me the places that are a lot of people, and so tight in a small space, neither the music strong, give me a headache.
I don´t enjoy be standing a long time.  I prefer listen music in home or the gig in the university, with people that I know.
Although, the two last concert that I went is of Calle 13. Calle 13 is a Puerto Rican group.
There like my because their song social lyrics, and their ideology is for a united Latin-American, poor, indigenous protection.
The fisrt time that I went to see there, was in Viña del Mar, in the Crash power music concert, in Quinta Vergara. This time, I went with my girlfriend, that also like the group. First, we saw a different groups, before Calle 13, that I don´t enjoy complete. But Calle 13 was excellent, because was a little of peoples. Only fans.
The second time was in the seam place: Quinta Vergara, but was in the VIña del Mar festival. Also is awesome, because there songs for the public, not for the prizes. But the lament was thath the ticket was so expensive, and we had to see artist that don´t like us.

5 comentarios:

  1. Good music from latins guy... maybe a fest with more band of this kind of music

  2. Calle 13 singer is too hot xD. This concert in VIña was really awesome

  3. I love Calle 13. I think thir lyrics are so smart and funny!
    Viña is allright. But i think it can be even better.

  4. Calle 13 is on fire. I really love residente y visitante, all the concept that they have, so social.

  5. the festival de Viña in general is good music..
