Generally i do not usually go to nightclubs or pubs, but when i go, is very unpleasant when I come home smelling like smoke, not having smoked anything. The smell permeates your clothes and hair and does not leave a good time.
In addition, Chile is the Latin American countries with higher rates of children smoking and all the ages. 10% of children 8 years old had smoked, 37% of all students smoked and 42% of the total population are smokers.
the new law, find that all these situations and figures can lessens. The law, announced by the government of Chile last week toughens anti-smoking rule. In the words of the interior minister, Rodrigo Hinzpeter, this law tells to smokers that are out of time to smoke wherever they want, whatever you want, whenever they want.
On hearing this statement, through press and radio, I'm glad. It is very unpleasant when in the univerisdad all your group smoke and smoke, or go to the stadium and feel the smell the whole game. Personally, I feel that there would be a big step.
I just hope that this law is enforced, and not to generate debate and ignore issues of the contingency that the current government is to be, as Hidroaysén.